JANINE CZICHY Illustration

Altonale 18

Poster Competition 2016 - 3rd Place

I took part in the poster contest for the altonale 18 2016. The task was to create an independent and placative motif, as well as the presentation of the cultural festival altonale with all its facets. There was a new CI and the partner town was Maltepe.

Digital illustration

JANINE CZICHY Illustration
Ore Mountains

Ore Mountains

Jo-Jo Sachunterricht 3 Arbeitsheft - Cornelsen

Jo-Jo Sachunterricht 3 Arbeitsheft - Cornelsen

Reviews Rolling Stone Magazin - Issue July 2017

Reviews Rolling Stone Magazin - Issue July 2017

Common Toad in a Triangular Relationship

Common Toad in a Triangular Relationship

The Life Cycle of a Swallowtail Butterfly

The Life Cycle of a Swallowtail Butterfly

Birds and their headdresses

Birds and their headdresses

Animal Portrait - Lemur Katta

Animal Portrait - Lemur Katta

The Green Iguana - With Love and Attention to Every Detail

The Green Iguana - With Love and Attention to Every Detail

Master Builders - Harvest Mouse

Master Builders - Harvest Mouse

Misunderstood Geniuses

Misunderstood Geniuses

Small Sea-Dwellers

Small Sea-Dwellers

Love of Animals - Limax Maximus During Mating

Love of Animals - Limax Maximus During Mating

Alone in Space! Heroine of our time

Alone in Space! Heroine of our time

Chimpanzees - Chapter

Chimpanzees - Chapter

Traces of thought

Traces of thought